Configuring Functionality For the Microsoft AX 2012 R3 Warehouse Mobile Device

Picture of Dan McAllister

Dan McAllister

The Microsoft Dynamics AX/D365 Support Team at Avantiico is focused on solving our client’s problems, from daily issues to large and more complex problems.

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The new Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Warehouse Management module ships with an integrated mobile device program out of the box. This tool is flexible in terms of controlling available tasks by the user and providing the ability to complete the majority of warehouse floor tasks done on a daily basis. The key setup for this new WMS functionality can be found in the Warehouse Management module under Setup -> Mobile Device. This is fully integrated with new Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 WMS functionality.

The WMS mobile device can be launched via webservices or from the AOS if webservices are not enabled. Find the device in the AOS under Menu Items -> Actions -> WHSWorkExecute – right click and say Open.

Work users screen in dynamics 365
Setup -> Work users -> Workers
  • Mobile device logins are tied to workers. You can find this configuration in the Warehouse Management module under Setup -> Work users -> Workers. A worker can have many logins with access to different menus; more on this later. If a worker has different roles in different warehouses this is an easy way to control what actions they have access to in each. Passwords can be set and reset from this screen.
mobile device menus in dynamics 365
Setup -> Mobile Device -> Mobile device menus, and Mobile device menu items
  • Configuration for mobile device menus can be found in the Warehouse Management module under Setup -> Mobile Device -> Mobile device menus, and Mobile device menu items. Menu items are configured in that form, and then assigned to menus in the Menus form. Some menu items are set up in the Contoso demo data, but note that there are many more menu items that can be configured to meet your processes. There are a number of options that are different by work class, but Work Class ID determines what process the menu item is to be used for.
Mobile device menus
“Inbound” folder structure example
  • Mobile device menus are configured in a folder structure; a folder that corresponds to a button on the mobile device. Folders can be set with different menu items and then nested within each other; if you have a Main menu folder with folders for Inbound and Outbound warehouse processes within it, you will need to set up all three folders items. The Inbound and Outbound folders would hold their appropriate processes, and the Main menu folder would hold the Inbound and Outbound folders. You could then associate Main with a worker to give them access to both Inbound and Outbound, and then associate Inbound with a different worker to restrict them to only use the Inbound menu items.
work users dynamics 365
Menu assigned per user
Mobile device menus dynamics 365
Inbound folder nested within Main Menu

The Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 out-of-the-box mobile device is an instrumental tool to use with the new Warehouse Management module. It works standard with location directives (see link to blog post on location directives), and work and wave templates. Stay tuned for future blog posts for more information on how to configure these in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3.

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